Husbands can seen awfully selfish to their pregnant wife during pregnancy. It's not enough that you …
What To Do About A Selfish Husband During Pregnancy?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Husbands can seen awfully selfish to their pregnant wife during pregnancy. It's not enough that you …
What To Do About A Selfish Husband During Pregnancy?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
We all know that pregnant women face a lot of restrictions; but if you're an avid skier, it can be …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Going through a pregnancy can already be filled with enough challenges, so it is only natural to …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
There are a lot of things you may consider giving up during pregnancy due to the risks involved. …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Vaginal bleeding at any point during pregnancy can make you really worried. But, the worries change …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
A labor induction for pregnant women is an important choice to make with your healthcare …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Pregnancy can bring many changes and challenges to your body, and in some cases, women may find …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Are you expecting a baby, but wondering if certain beauty treatments are safe during pregnancy? Lip …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Oh man, 38 weeks is when things start to get pretty miserable, right? I remember the subtle art of …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Are you a pregnant woman who is looking to figure out what on earth she can drink. Maybe it's just …
Drinks for Pregnant Women: What are the best drinks during pregnancy?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
When you’re pregnant, it can be difficult to know how often to visit the doctor – and even a little …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
As a pregnant parent, you’re likely focused on providing the best care to your unborn child. But …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Are you a parent who's expecting and wondering what foods are safe to eat? You may have heard that …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Are you a pregnant parent who's stuck dealing with a cold? Having to care for yourself while also …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Are you pregnant and looking for a way to relax? A weighted blanket may be the answer. Weighted …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Are you pregnant and looking for an answer to the question, "Can I eat sour cream while pregnant?" …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
If you are pregnant or thinking of starting a family, the question of whether drinking wine is safe …
Can You Drink Wine When You’re Pregnant: The studies for pregnant womenRead More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Mowing the lawn is a task that many people take on during the summer. But, can you mow the lawn …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Are you a pregnant woman who is looking for information on what cough medicine you can take? If so, …
What Cough Medicine Can a Pregnant Woman Take? What OTC is safe during pregnancy?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
So your girlfriend is pregnant. Whether this news came as a total shock or you have been planning …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
As a pregnant woman, you're likely filled with a million questions. Can I dye my hair? Can I have a …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
One common issue that many pregnant women experience during their second trimester is pain under the …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
When it comes to inducing labor, many couples turn to eggplant. But does this method actually work? …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Feeling like baby is REALLY moving into your birth canal as you get further into your pregnancy? …
36 Weeks Pregnant and Feeling Pressure “Down Below” — What’s wrong?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Trying to find clothes that fit well and make you feel comfortable during early pregnancy can be a …
Early Pregnancy Clothes: Where to buy maternity clothes for the first trimester and beyond?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Pregnant women may be considering massage therapy for several reasons, especially as they get close …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Expecting a baby? Congratulations! Along with all of the excitement, you may also be feeling some …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Painful forearms and wrists are a very normal symptom during pregnancy. Most often the pain will go …
Wrist Pain During Pregnancy: Is carpal tunnel syndrome pregnancy-related?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
If you are pregnant, you want to make sure that you stay healthy and strong. One of the best ways to …
Core Exercises for Pregnancy: The best ab workouts for each trimesterRead More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Are you pregnant? If so, you should know about GBS screening. GBS (group b Strep -- also known as …
GBS Screening In Pregnancy: Why is group B Streptococcus a big deal?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Are you overdue and anxious to give birth? You may be considering inducing labor yourself. While …
How Can You Increase Oxytocin to Induce Labor? The natural ways to induce laborRead More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
For pregnant women, it is essential to pay extra attention to their fluid and electrolyte intake. …
Electrolyte Drinks for Pregnancy: Are they necessary?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Is it safe to eat beef jerky or other jerky types during pregnancy? Its flavorful, high protein …
Is it OK to Eat Beef Jerky While Pregnant? The risks and benefits of dried meatRead More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Many women face challenges during pregnancy, but one of the most difficult can be dealing with an …
Dealing with an Unsupportive Husband During Pregnancy: Insensitive partnersRead More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Becoming a parent is one of the most amazing things that can happen in life. As your belly begins to …
Law of Attraction Pregnancy: Positive affirmations for birth & conceptionRead More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Working during pregnancy is hard. Obviously, you may enjoy your job, but you might also be feeling …
When should I stop working during pregnancy? 7 Signs to stop workingRead More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Is it OK to drink ensure while pregnant? Is it safe to drink during pregnancy? Pregnant women may be …
Should You Drink Ensure While Pregnant? Is it safe to drink?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Clitoris pain during pregnancy isn't uncommon. All that extra vaginal blood flow can do crazy things …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
You may thinking about breastfeeding for the first time, or you've been breastfeeding another child …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Your ever-changing body may be a concern to you during pregnancy. Is it safe to wear Spanks, or to …
Is maternity shapewear safe? What happens if you wear Spanx while pregnant?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Can pregnancy cause headaches? In a word, yes. Hormone changes, dehydration, as well as blood …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Deli meat can be complicated for pregnant women. And yes, that includes lunch meat and cold …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Getting pregnant brings about all sorts of changes to your body. Not only is your belly growing, and …
My Boyfriend Says I Feel Different Inside During PregnancyRead More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Why would you want to see a chiropractor during pregnancy? Today we're going to dive into why your …
Getting Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy — Should you see a chiropractor?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Is it safe to get a Brazilian wax during your third trimester? Many pregnant women are wondering …
Brazilian Waxing During My Third Trimester of Pregnancy — Is it OK?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Are you pregnant and struggling to fit into your clothes? Are you worried about how tight your pants …
Tight Pants Around Waist During Pregnancy – Are they OK?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Your glucose test in pregnancy is VERY important. Gestational Diabetes can be a silent killer for …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
If you’re pregnant and looking for a podcast that fills your best options for labor and delivery, I …
Best Pregnancy Podcasts: Top listens for moms before birthRead More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
If you're pregnant and feeling a hard stomach, you may be wondering if something is wrong. In most …
Stomach is Hard In my Third Trimester — is that OK?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Do you feel like war of the worlds is sometimes being waged in your stomach during the second …
Your Gurgling Stomach During Pregnancy: Your second trimester soundtrackRead More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Do you find it difficult to get a good night's sleep while pregnant? You're not alone. Many pregnant …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
If you're pregnant, you may be experiencing tailbone pain. This is a common occurrence, and there …
Tailbone Pain During Pregnancy — 6 Things you can do to help!Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Is it safe to sneeze during pregnancy? What are the risks? In this blog post, we will explore the …
Sneezing During Your First Trimester of Pregnancy: Is it safe?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Disneyland is a magical place for both children and adults, but did you know that it's also a great …
Disneyland Pregnancy Pass: The Pregnancy Nurse shares if it’s a real thing!Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Pregnant women have a lot of concerns about their pregnancy. Coughing can really FEEL like …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Prenatal check-ups can seem really useless. You're likely hot, tired and you REALLY don't want to …
6 Things Your Provider Does at Prenatal Appointments that Are ImportantRead More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Are you experiencing any period-like pains at 37 weeks pregnant? You're definitely not alone! In …
37 Weeks Pregnant & Having Period Pains? What it means from a labor nurseRead More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
During your pregnancy (especially your third trimester) you might experience a sharp pain in your …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Midwives offer pregnant women a wealth of benefits that traditional obstetricians cannot match. From …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Can something as simple as over the counter medication affect your unborn child? …
Can You Take Sudafed While Pregnant – When to talk to your provider.Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Foot and heel pain in pregnancy can be a really hard condition. As women gain weight, feet …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
During your third trimester of pregnancy, you may experience a pulled stomach muscle (or a pulled …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Every pregnant woman wonders when their baby will turn head down. Most babies will turn head down by …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Going to Disneyland as a pregnant person can be confusing. Will they stop you from going on rides? …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
If you're pregnant, you may be experiencing ankle pain. Don't worry, you're not alone! In this post, …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Are you struggling with nausea during your pregnancy? If so, you may be wondering if there is …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Are you struggling with anxiety during your pregnancy? If so, you're not alone. Many pregnant women …
11 Easy & Natural Remedies for Anxiety During PregnancyRead More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
A pregnancy belly band, also known as a maternity belt, is a device worn around the waist to support …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Are you one of the many pregnant women who can't seem to get comfortable at night? Are you …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Are you having tooth pain while pregnant? You're not alone. Tooth pain is a common complaint during …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
As your baby grows, it becomes more and more important to ensure that they get the blood and oxygen …
10 Possible Ways to Increase Blood Flow to Baby During PregnancyRead More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Pregnancy is an amazing time in a woman's life, but it can also be uncomfortable. One way to make …
Belly Straps for Pregnancy: Finding the right one for you!Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
If you're pregnant and expecting to have a glucose test as part of your prenatal care, you might be …
Your Glucose Test During Pregnancy: How to pass it.Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
During pregnancy, it's not unusual to experience minor aches and pains. But if you're experiencing …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Are you experiencing hand and finger joint pain during your pregnancy? If so, you're not alone. Many …
Hand & Finger Joint Pain During Pregnancy: Why it comes and the best at home treatments!Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
If you're pregnant, then you may be experiencing some pain in the area of your bellybutton. This is …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Ultrasounds are a common prenatal diagnostic procedure used to measure the baby and check for …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Are you pregnant and experiencing hip pain? You're not alone. Many women experience hip pain in the …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Are you anxious to find out if you're pregnant? The best time of day to take a pregnancy test is …
When is the Best Time of Day to Take a Pregnancy Test?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Becoming a mom is one of the most rewarding experiences in life, but it can also be overwhelming. …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Are you at your due date and anxious to have your baby? Have you been considering getting a pedicure …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Are you experiencing pelvic pain during your pregnancy? If so, you're not alone. Many pregnant women …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Midwives Brew is a popular tea blend that is often recommended to pregnant women. But is it safe? …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
As any mom knows, pregnancy is a special time in a woman's life. But how do you know when you're …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
A lot of moms-to-be are looking for ways to induce labor, and some believe that jumping jacks may …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Moms-to-be often have a lot of questions about what they can and can't eat during their pregnancies. …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
With changes in your pelvis and core, you might find upper inner thigh pain during your pregnancy. …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
I recently ran a survey to my newsletter and social media followers about what they were nervous …
What Pregnant Women Fear During Birth – Original ResearchRead More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Your immune system gets complicated when you are pregnant. Similar to an organ transplant patient …