Hilary, circa 2009. I'm feeling huge, I'm pregnant with my third baby, after a bout of infertility …
Debunking Induction Myths with My Own Induction StoryRead More
Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN as been a nurse since 1997, she has worked in various fields including pediatrics, geriatrics & hospice. She has 20 years of labor and delivery experience in the San Jose, CA and Phoenix, AZ areas.
As an evidence-based prenatal educator Hilary has delivered thousands of babies and has educated hundreds of thousands of parents from a diverse patient population to help them have a confident birth. Learn more here.
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Hilary, circa 2009. I'm feeling huge, I'm pregnant with my third baby, after a bout of infertility …
Debunking Induction Myths with My Own Induction StoryRead More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
You might have been checked in the office at one of your appointments -- and been told your cervix …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Is your baby breech and you'd like them to NOT BE? You're in the right place. Today I'm going to …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
STD tests are SO important for pregnant women, your provider will offer screening of a few including …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
You're in labor, and you hear your provider is coming to break your water. Is it better to get …
Should You Get the Labor Epidural Before They Break Your Water?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
A lot of people want some clear-cut guidelines about when they should go to the hospital when …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Ok, you're onto baby 2+ -- and you're thinking, "I don't need a prenatal class, I've done this" -- …
Reason You’ll Want a Birth Class on Your Second+ BabyRead More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
You may have heard that raspberry tea can help induce labor -- when should you START taking it and …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
It can be SUPER scary to look down at your panties or when you wipe and see some blood when you are …
Does Vaginal Bleeding Mean a Miscarriage in Early Pregnancy?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Cervical ripening is the process from which the cervix turns from hard like rubber into soft and …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Having a cough during pregnancy is absolutely miserable. Not only can you take les medication, …
Can Excessive Coughing During Pregnancy Hurt the Baby?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
You're getting to the "endzone" of pregnancy and it can be really easy to take your eye off the …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Are you wondering if you can get a "walking epidural" -- the answer is that it DEPENDS. Some …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
You're so pregnant, you're DONE and you want that baby out. Someone suggested curb …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Has your provider mentioned your baby is seeming large? Maybe you've had an ultrasound or you're …
3 Things to Do When your Doctor Says You Have a Big BabyRead More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Suddenly you find yourself with a little "pooch" and are sort of wondering if it's OK to suck in …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Maybe you've heard that most doctors don't offer a vaginal delivery if baby is not head down. …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
As a busy, soon-to-be mom, you’re likely keeping an eye out for the signs labor is coming …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Your labor induction could happen with Cervidil. It’s a vaginal insert that includes hormones …
Your Labor Induction with Cervidil (Dinoprostone): What to expect?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
You're tired of being pregnant and you've heard of a magical cure called a membrane sweep (or …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Taking a birth class can seem like it will cost a LOT of money. But, you can find options with an …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Birth classes are one of the most important things you can do during your pregnancy, but many …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Dilation is a signs that your cervix is opening and labor may be close! But, since most of us …
Signs You Are Dilating: Symptoms of cervical dilationRead More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
How much labor pain should you expect during labor when you have an epidural? Should you expect to …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Are you having sharp abdominal pain during pregnancy? You may wonder if it's normal and what …
Sharp Abdominal Pain During Pregnancy: Causes at 21’ish weeks?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Women who plan on vaginal birth may wonder how painful the placement and infusion of epidural …
How Bad Does the Epidural Hurt? What to expect during placement.Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
If you're doing kick counts, or just feeling your baby move -- what is the normal daily fetal …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Are you experiencing hip pain during pregnancy? You're not alone! In fact, approximately 50% of …
6 Easy Ways to Get Relief from Hip Pain During PregnancyRead More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Childbirth seems pretty magical. You create a human and it magically appears on your chest... but …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
It sounds like you're considering an induction of labor around 37 weeks pregnant. How will it be …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
It is a standard practice in most US Hospitals to order an intravenous line (mostly referred to as …
IV During Labor – Do you NEED IV fluids in labor and delivery?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Are you a teen mom, or love one and you'd love for them to get a childbirth class in? I have a …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Having diarrhea can be a sign of labor, it can also be a sign that you had something that didn't sit …
Diarrhea at 38 Weeks Pregnant: Is it a sign of labor?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
The gestational diabetes test is most often offered towards the end of your second trimester (but …
The Pregnancy Glucose Test for Gestational DiabetesRead More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
You may be miserable, or your mom's in town or for a variety of reasons you may want to be induced 3 …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
You may hear that you have an "unfavorable cervix" and you have no idea what that means.... Let's …
What is an “Unfavorable Cervix”? What does it mean for your labor?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
What should a husband or partner do? What are the best ways to support your partner during …
How to Be a Supportive Husband and Partner During PregnancyRead More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Today I want to tell you five things to watch for your birth to be hard. These are things that can …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Having an induction of labor can be confusing. Your friends may have had their medicine through the …
How is Cytotec (Misoprostol) Given for Labor Induction?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
There are a few medication options when you are planning to start lab (called induction of labor). …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Can you sleep through contractions? It's a great question because sleeping is a great way to …
Can You Sleep Through Contractions – Especially Early Labor?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Studies have shown that eating dates in later pregnancy can have many benefits. In this …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Most people aren't sure if they should wear a bra during labor. While no choice has to be final, as …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
You might be wondering if there is a time of day that you are more likely to start contractions than …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
When is the best time to request epidural anesthesia? Will getting it earlier or later prolong …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Feeling baby move for the fist time is one of the most magical parts of pregnancy. However, it may …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
People may ask you if your baby has "dropped" yet, or your provider may say that baby has dropped -- …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
You may be wanting to get an epidural, but not sure at what point you CAN'T get during childbirth …
Why Can’t You Get an Epidural After a Point During Childbirth?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Having a labor induction before or at 37 weeks is something each pregnant woman and her partner …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Pain between your legs during pregnancy is not uncommon. There are a few reasons why you may …
Pain Between Your Legs During Pregnancy: Is it Pelvic Pain?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Is there a certain way to lay during sleep to induce labor? There are things you can do help …
Sleeping Positions to Induce Labor: Best Positions to DilateRead More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Induction of labor is definitely a process. How long will your labor induction take? What should …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
It is an odd sensation when your belly button starts changing and adjusting as your stomach changes …
Belly Button Pain During Pregnancy (Second Trimester)Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
With all the changes with your body during pregnancy some colostrum leaking can make you wonder what …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Using a birthing ball can have a lot of benefits for your pregnancy. Today I'm going to share …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
The glucose tolerance test is something people endure during their pregnancy. Today we're …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
While most pregnant patients do get a pap smear at their first appointment. Many women dread …
When Do Cervical Checks Start in Pregnancy – 36 weeks?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Pregnancy can be very painful, and many people find the last month of pregnancy extremely painful …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
What is baby doing in the womb as you enter your third trimester around 27 weeks of pregnancy? It …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Today I want to talk a bit about birth trauma and what you can do to try to prevent it happening in …
4 Ways to Prevent Birth Trauma Before, During or After BirthRead More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Preparing for your induction can be intimidating. Suddenly, something that was unknown seems …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Requesting an epidural is an important choice -- and choosing it too early or too late can have …
Can I Get An Epidural at 7 Centimeters? Is it too late?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
New parents may wonder if childbirth education classes are covered by insurance -- and if they are …
Are Childbirth Classes Covered by Health Insurance? Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Baby is a mover and a shaker some days in your belly, but what happens when baby's movement slow …
30 weeks Pregnant and Baby’s Movements Have Slowed DownRead More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Knowing if you're going into labor will dominate a good part of your time as you get closer to your …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Pregnant women have a lot of questions about how their body will change during their pregnancy. The …
When Does Your Stomach Start to Get Hard When PregnantRead More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Is kidney stone pain worse than childbirth? What is, in fact, the worst pain out there? Today we’ll …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Normally, when you feel achy or that your body needs some rest a heating pad is a great idea. …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Talking with your provider is important, but talking with them about the IMPORTANT things is …
The 7 Most Important Questions To Ask Your OB-GYN When PregnantRead More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Cramping during your second trimester of pregnancy can be worrisome. What should you do if …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Maybe you've had an ultrasound or your doctor has said that your baby is in a head-down …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Is taking a childbirth class (also called prenatal classes, birth classes or pregnancy classes) …
Do Birth Classes Improve Birth Outcomes? What do the studies show?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Cytotec (also known as Misoprostol) and pitocin are different agents that are used for an induction …
Cytotec vs Pitocin: What’s best for your labor induction?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Many people wonder WHEN in their labor they can be given the epidural. Today we'll discuss that, as …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
The baby coming out is normally the most painful part of the birthing process. Will you feel the …
Can You Feel the Baby Coming Out With the Epidural?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Are you headed towards you due date and feeling a TON of fatigue as you go about your day. …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
It is not unusual to have one pregnancy test show up positive and another one show negative. But, …
What Does it Mean When One Pregnancy Test is Positive and the Other is Negative?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Getting an ultrasound at 32-weeks is very different than getting one earlier on in your …
32 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound: What will the scan be?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Losing you mucus plug sounds as magical as it is... but what does that surprise when you wipe or …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Knowing what position your baby is in can be hard to tell. Baby will most likely need to be …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Are you pregnant and curious about how long you might stay 1cm dilated? As a soon-to-be mom, it's …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
How can you start labor going if you're 2 cm dilated. In this article we will talk about …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Have you been doing your breathing exercises for pregnancy? It's not too late to start! Even if …
When to Start Breathing Exercises for Pregnancy & BirthRead More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
When should you go the hospital to have your baby? Most people don't want to go to the …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Will a warm bath help get contractions going? Let an experienced labor nurse help you know how a …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Discharge during pregnancy could have it's own whole website. It's just different, and confusing. …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
You may be feeling more forgetful than you'd like -- or maybe you actually feel like your brain …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Do you notice baby moving more and wonder if it's a sign of labor? In general baby's movements …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
New moms may be looking for a great option to get prepared for their upcoming labor and birth. …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Whether you're an expectant parent counting down the days until your little one arrives, or a …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
If you're having some light pink spotting you may wonder what's going on. For much of your early …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Did you know that Pitocin is the most common drug used to induce labor? If you're considering using …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
So, you took your glucose test, and you're anxious for the results? Can you TELL if you passed your …
Signs You Passed Your Glucose Screening Test During PregnancyRead More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Husbands can seen awfully selfish to their pregnant wife during pregnancy. It's not enough that you …
What To Do About A Selfish Husband During Pregnancy?Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
We all know that pregnant women face a lot of restrictions; but if you're an avid skier, it can be …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Going through a pregnancy can already be filled with enough challenges, so it is only natural to …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Tinyhood is becoming a leader in online courses for new parents, but are they the BEST classes for …
Alternatives to Tinyhood: Best online childbirth and parenting classes you can take!Read More
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Later in pregnancy your doctor may start discussing an induction of labor with you. Many people …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
There are a lot of things you may consider giving up during pregnancy due to the risks involved. …
// by Hilary Erickson, BSN, RN
Vaginal bleeding at any point during pregnancy can make you really worried. But, the worries change …