A pregnancy belly band, also known as a maternity belt, is a device worn around the waist to support …
Pillows for Pregnant Stomach Sleepers
Are you one of the many pregnant women who can't seem to get comfortable at night? Are you …
Tooth Pain While Pregnant: What to do?
Are you having tooth pain while pregnant? You're not alone. Tooth pain is a common complaint during …
10 Possible Ways to Increase Blood Flow to Baby During Pregnancy
As your baby grows, it becomes more and more important to ensure that they get the blood and oxygen …
10 Possible Ways to Increase Blood Flow to Baby During PregnancyRead More
Belly Straps for Pregnancy: Finding the right one for you!
Pregnancy is an amazing time in a woman's life, but it can also be uncomfortable. One way to make …
Belly Straps for Pregnancy: Finding the right one for you!Read More
Your Glucose Test During Pregnancy: How to pass it.
If you're pregnant and expecting to have a glucose test as part of your prenatal care, you might be …
Your Glucose Test During Pregnancy: How to pass it.Read More
Flank Pain in Pregnancy
During pregnancy, it's not unusual to experience minor aches and pains. But if you're experiencing …
Hand & Finger Joint Pain During Pregnancy: Why it comes and the best at home treatments!
Are you experiencing hand and finger joint pain during your pregnancy? If so, you're not alone. Many …
Hand & Finger Joint Pain During Pregnancy: Why it comes and the best at home treatments!Read More
Cesarean Section Anesthesia
Your choice of cesarean section anesthsia is not too broad. There are mainly two humane choices for …
Diastasis Recti Pain During Pregnancy
If you're pregnant, then you may be experiencing some pain in the area of your bellybutton. This is …
At Home Ultrasound Machine for Pregnancy
Ultrasounds are a common prenatal diagnostic procedure used to measure the baby and check for …
Is Hip Pain an Early Sign of Pregnancy?
Are you pregnant and experiencing hip pain? You're not alone. Many women experience hip pain in the …
Epidural vs Spinal: Which is best for you?
What are the differences between an epidural or spinal anesthesia? Today we're going to give into …
When is the Best Time of Day to Take a Pregnancy Test?
Are you anxious to find out if you're pregnant? The best time of day to take a pregnancy test is …
When is the Best Time of Day to Take a Pregnancy Test?Read More
Do I Need to Take a Birthing Class: Is it necessary?
Is a birthing class really necessary? It seems like you have SO much to do during your pregnancy, …
Do I Need to Take a Birthing Class: Is it necessary?Read More
Midwife Pro’s and Con’s
Becoming a mom is one of the most rewarding experiences in life, but it can also be overwhelming. …
Can Getting a Pedicure Induce Labor?
Are you at your due date and anxious to have your baby? Have you been considering getting a pedicure …
37 Weeks Pregnant Lots of Movement and Pressure
Are you 37 weeks pregnant and experiencing a lot of movement and pressure? You're not alone! Most …
Period Pains and Backache On and Off at 36 Weeks of Pregnancy — Is it Labor?
Are you 36 weeks pregnant and experiencing period-like pains and backache? Congratulations - you're …
Period Pains and Backache On and Off at 36 Weeks of Pregnancy — Is it Labor?Read More
Pelvic Pain Relief During Pregnancy
Are you experiencing pelvic pain during your pregnancy? If so, you're not alone. Many pregnant women …
Is Midwive’s Brew Safe?
Midwives Brew is a popular tea blend that is often recommended to pregnant women. But is it safe? …
Latent Labor: Early Labor to Active Labor
What is latent labor, how long does it last and is there anything you can do to speed it up? How …
How Many Weeks is Halfway Through Pregnancy
As any mom knows, pregnancy is a special time in a woman's life. But how do you know when you're …
What to Do When Your Epidural Doesn’t Work
Epidurals sometimes don't work. That's right, you pay all that money, and sit up for the placement …
Can Jumping Jacks Induce Labor?
A lot of moms-to-be are looking for ways to induce labor, and some believe that jumping jacks may …
Can Pregnant Women Eat Salami?
Moms-to-be often have a lot of questions about what they can and can't eat during their pregnancies. …
Upper Inner Thigh Pain During Pregnancy
With changes in your pelvis and core, you might find upper inner thigh pain during your pregnancy. …
Who Administers an Epidural
Who puts in your epidural and what types of qualifications do they need to do so? Did you know …
Different “Types of Childbirth”
People define different types of childbirth in many ways. Today I wanted to define the basic types …
What Pregnant Women Fear During Birth – Original Research
I recently ran a survey to my newsletter and social media followers about what they were nervous …
What Pregnant Women Fear During Birth – Original ResearchRead More
Pregnancy Gift Certificate for Childbirth Education
If you want to give a birth class as a gift, maybe to a daughter or a friend at a baby shower. How …
Pregnancy Gift Certificate for Childbirth EducationRead More
Are Pregnant Women Immunocompromised?
Your immune system gets complicated when you are pregnant. Similar to an organ transplant patient …