Are you looking to have your baby sooner rather than later? Are there things you can do to make yourself dilate faster? Let’s talk about what you can do (and what the studies show). It may be more eye-opening than cervical opening (see what I did there)?

I bet you’re in your third trimester if you’re reading this post — grab my third trimester pack here:
How does dilation work?
Before we get going — what the heck is dilation? How’s it work and why is it important in this process.
Think of your uterus as a balloon with a ball at the bottom of it. The balloon is made of muscle and is shoving that ball down into that neck of the balloon. That’s VERY similar to how the uterus is (the cervix being the “neck of the balloon”).
However in the human body the neck of the balloon extends into muscles, bones and ligaments — it’s not just a free-floating balloon. Which, makes it more complicated.
Sometimes your uterus contracts, and doesn’t really push the ball into the cervix at all. That’s normally called false labor, or Braxton Hicks. That can easily progress into “real” labor though — and often those contractions are very painful. So it gets confusing!
So, as the baby pushes into the cervix (imagine the neck of the balloon scenario) it opens up, and that’s called dilation.
Want to know more about how we measure it — check out my vaginal exam post on my sister site.
What Makes you Dilate Faster?
There’s a few things you need to think about when you dilate faster:
Soften Your Cervix
It’s not quite as simple as the balloon analogy. The cervix is mean to be pretty hard/firm in order to keep baby in for those 37+ weeks before birth.
In fact, as someone who’s checked a LOT of cervixes, it can feel like a rock very early on (which I’m grateful for). However, due to:
- Hormones
- Baby’s head pushing down on it softens it (sort of like kneading bread)
It softens later in pregnancy so baby can push through it. I talk more about that in my post on cervical ripening.
I just wrote a post with 4 things you can do in your third trimester that may make your cervix more ready for labor:
Open Your Pelvis
Like I said, your cervix is seated within bone, muscle and ligaments that can affect how that baby moves down into the pelvis.
As you can imagine if those muscles can’t relax and your pelvis stays in one position baby has less of a chance to get into that cervix, and may take more contractions to do so.
So, doing exercises that help to open your pelvis can help as well. I did a lot of prenatal yoga and I think that really helped, so I’d encourage you to ask your provider if any exercises in general are helpful for you, or they have a program they recommend.
Contractions to Push Baby Downward
So, contractions are the main thing our body uses to push your baby through the cervix.
Even those early contractions may not show noticeable cervical change hour to hour but can cause it to soften and open up with time.
Here are a few posts on contractions you might find helpful:
- Where Do You Feel Contractions?
- Contractions On The Monitor But You’re Not Feeling Them: What Does That Mean?
- What You Need To Know About Precipitous Birth (Fast Births)
- True Labor Contractions: The signs of real labor
- Signs You’re Going into Labor: Besides contractions, what to watch for?
Honestly, I think most people just think labor starts, and boom — your cervix opens, but honestly labor is a lot more complicated than that.
I know on my first baby I didn’t really understand it. When my doctor said I was 2 cm I thought we were ready to have a baby — but I ended up not having him for WEEKS and was sort of confused at what I could do to help thing move along (or if I should just watch more TV and stress-out less).
I’m so glad there’s things like this now that can really make it SO much easier to prepare. Plus, it prepares you for all sorts of things, like inductions, cesareans, and managing life after baby (because that hit me like a truck).
How Do you Dilate Faster?
Here comes the news you may not want to hear. The main, proven method to cause dilation is what hospitals use to induce labor.
That includes:
- Manual options like a foley bulb or breaking your water
- Prostaglandin options like Misoprostol, Prostin Gel or Cervidil
- IV medications like Pitocin
BTW, if you’re consider an induction — I would 100% grab my induction question checklist:
If you want more information on induction here are some posts that can help:
- How Long Does An Induction Of Labor Take?
- Navigating Induction: Empowering Choice and Educating Yourself with Dr Elizabeth
- Induction: Reasons Pregnant Women are Induced
- Debunking Induction Myths With My Own Induction Story
- 11 Easy Ways To Prepare For Your Labor Induction
BUT I would also guess that a lot of you don’t want to be induced, but you’d like to try to dilate at home.
The main method that seems to have some proof behind it is eating dates. I have a whole post on when you need to start eating dates — because it does take some time. There are actual studies on that one that show it can help.
Most of the things I mention are things you need to do over time vs “let’s dilate now”…. something to keep in mind.

There are some studies that show that sexual intercourse, when done frequently, in the last few weeks of pregnancy can have some effects (although some studies show that it doesn’t help at all). Again, done frequently, not one and done.
Keep in mind, they think this may work because the pleasure involved in closeness with your partner, a possible orgasms and his deposit of hormones (and sperm) in your vaginal canal might move things along. SO if you’re hating it, it likely isn’t going to help produce the oxytocin you’re going to need.
Finally, there are a few studies that show that stripping membranes can help (there are also some that show it doesn’t help). So, if that’s not something you mind — it can be a good option.
I should caution that if you’re in SO much pain with a regular cervical exam, stripping membranes is longer, and more painful — so may not find it to be “worth it” for you.
If you want to read more on the studies >> read my post on guaranteed ways to induce labor.
With ALL things in pregnancy (and frankly, in life) you’re weighing the risks vs the benefits. So if you just hate dates — that may not do what you want. But, if you enjoy them…. it’s worth a shot since studies show it can help a bit, right?
I have a few other posts about things that might put you into labor:
- When Should I Start Drinking Raspberry Leaf Tea?
- Can Curb Walking Induce Labor?
- Sleeping Positions To Induce Labor: Best Positions To Dilate
- Can A Hot Bath Induce Labor At 39 Weeks?
- Why Does Eggplant Induce Labor?
- Can Prenatal Massage Induce Labor?
- Can Getting A Pedicure Induce Labor?
- Can Jumping Jacks Induce Labor?
- Is Midwive’s Brew Safe?
That last one is one a lot of people rely on — Midwive’s brew, which includes Castor Oil. However, if that is something you are considering I would strongly caution you to include your provider in that discussion. You really need to understand the risks and the benfits of it, so be sure to discuss it with them.
There can be some heavy risks shown in studies (including baby pooping inside the womb). So, be aware of them.
Ultimately, if you want to dilate, talk with your provider about scheduling an induction. I know people don’t like the medical-ness of a labor induction in the hospital but understanding what it will be like can be helpful. I have a few posts on asking for an induction you might find helpful:
- How To Ask Your Doctor To Induce You
- Can You Push Yourself Into Labor?
- Being Induced At 37 Weeks: What Should You Expect?
- Can You Request To Induce Labor At 37 Weeks?
- Reasons They Induce Labor At 37 Weeks Of Pregnancy
- Can I Be Induced At 37 Weeks Due To Pain
How to dilate faster in actual labor?
Ok, so if you’re IN labor how do you dilate faster?
My favorite options are:
Relax, take it one contraction at a time: It’s easy to get caught up in what’s coming. Take it one contraction at a time and try to relax as much as possible (especially your pelvis).
This is where labor breathing comes in handy as it helps you to relax those muscles. We talk about that all in the natural pain management bonus video in here about that.
The other one is to use movement to your advantage. That means:
- Changing positions frequently (partners can take a big role in this, reminding you and helping you to move)
- Using positions that vary your pelvis from it’s “normal state”
I actually have some labor movement cards in the bundle in here that can help give you ideas, and prompt your partner to be a helpful part of that!
It is very typical, when you’re in pain, to just stay in one position. It can take some prodding to move out of the fetal position you naturally go into when things get painful — so it doesn’t always come naturally!
Finally, I gotta ask — are you really feeling prepared for birth, or are you nervous and perhaps even holding yourself back from having this baby?
I know — birth classes seem complicated (and sometimes far too expensive) — but The Online Prenatal Class for Couples really is the easy way to get prepared.
- Done virtually, I’m just waiting to teach you what you need to know
- Easy to do with a partner to get a teammate, not just a cheerleader
- Use my years of experience to prepare you quickly and effectively!
I’ve studied how it helps pregnant families — It has proven to make people over 50% less anxious about birth, and feel close to 65% more prepared. Plus, it’s so easy to do you’ll be prepared before you know it!
What are YOU trying to get your cervix to open faster? Tell me in the comments!