If you’re feeling super anxious or nervous about birth — what do you do? Today I’m going to give you 5 things to do if the anxiety about birth is making it hard to think about. So, let’s get going.
It’s Normal
I just want to first off say that it is VERY normal to feel like this. Birth is a life-changing event. You may be nervous about what it means for your family and your life, not even for the birth itself.
I often say it’s like a wedding and a medical event on the same day. It’s life changing and lots can happen — so having some nerves is VERY normal.
However, you should be looking at the day with a mixture of excitement (to meet your baby) and maybe some butterflies about what will happen both at birth and what life will be like after baby.
Be prepared for what life will hold after baby is SO important. We’re going to talk more about how to be prepared for that too, so keep reading!
Positive Affirmations
To combat those butterflies, and honestly, the unknown of the day some positive affirmations can really help. Some of my favorites are here:
I want to be super clear that there is a LOT about birth that you simply can’t control. In just framing the day as positive and trying to be as positive as you can about it it saves you the negativity you might face otherwise.
Remember, trying to “feel the feelings in case something happens” isn’t doing you any favors. I fall into that trap a lot too — so it’s not just you.
Get Prepared
The main thing you can do to combat how you’re feeling is to get prepared.
Now, I know I just said that there are a number of variables you just can NOT control surrounding your birth — and I still stand by that statement.
However, there is a lot about birth that may seem scary to someone who isn’t familiar with, that can be explained really easily by an expert. Things like:
- Multiple nurses coming in your room asking you to turn and giving you IV fluids
- How you may feel after IV pain medicine or the epidural
- How providers will term their plans for you, and how the choice is always yours (even if it doesn’t feel like that).
I 100% recommend taking the hand of an expert in a quick, but thorough birth class. I recommend this one. It’s just a few hours and thousands of couples have gotten prepared and love their birth even more because of that class.
Plus, studies prove you feel over 50% LESS anxious about your birth, and about 70% more prepared for it. Sounds pretty awesome, right.
In fact, I have coupon code NERVOUS that can save you 10% on the class if you want to get started right now!
A lot of people figure their provider can go over the basics for them at appointments (and honestly, I think they’d love to) but they just don’t have the time — plus, you’d rather going over what’s important for YOU in those. So taking a class puts you MILES ahead at prenatal appointments.
Trust Your Team
You have to trust your medical team. A lot of people second-guess everything they’re doing and while I think it’s important to decide what’s right for you, you have to know that these medical professionals may hold your life in their hands.
So, being positive about your doctors, and positive emotions towards the hospital you’re delivering at can help a lot.
Honestly, if you’re constantly saying you hate your doctor (more on that in a minute) or that nurses are horrible, you’re likely to have that experience. BUT if you’re grateful for a good doctor and know good nurses will support you at birth you’re likely to have that experience as well.
If you hate your provider, change! While it’s long been that changing after 30 week is difficult, many large practices don’t care anymore if you’re changing later in your pregnancy. I know insurance can make it difficult, but call them and see who you can switch to and then shop those practices to see if they’re a better fit for you! It will take a bit of legwork, and paperwork but can be very worth it in the long run.
Involve Your Partner
Often you picture the labor room as something that you’ll have to face alone — and for some of you, that may be the case. However, most of you will likely have a partner in the room with you.
Get them involved in:
- Your feelings — let them know what you’re feeling so they can help support you
- Getting prepared — they will need to be prepared too!
- Getting EXCITED — do those positive affirmations together!
So many birth classes are tailored just to the person giving birth, and I think that’s such a mistake. You have to have a partner in that room. Not just a cheerleader, a full team member. Plus, that means you’re starting this parenting journey together too and there is no better gift than that!
When I created my own birth class I thought about what it really needed. After watching partners bond in my own in-person classes I knew that was the angle I wanted to take. I wanted partners to be on the same page for all of birth, postpartum, baby — the whole nine yards.
Of course, I also wanted to allow for deep dives on topics that one partner may have more interest in — so I have that too. But I really want the basics covered for both of you. That’s just what I do in The Online Prenatal Class for Couples. 🙂 Come join me. In just a few hours we’re going to have you over 50% less anxious about your birth. Sounds pretty great, right?
Don’t forget that if you want to start right now (I recommend you do) use coupon code NERVOUS to save 10% on your class!
Bonus: Pack the Right Stuff!
I love a round number, but I forgot to include that having the right things with you for a hospital stay can help a lot. Grab my hospital packing list here:
And, check out my post on my sister site about what to pack if you’re having a baby.
I hope you found this post helpful. Realizing it’s both normal, but also that there are things you can do help it can help a LOT!
Are you nervous about your upcoming birth? What are you doing to help? Tell us in the comments!