Pregnant & Postpartum Moms Need More Support
Learn the trouble signs to help support them (or you) better in:

This presentation is 100% free (you can pay for a video walkthrough, but the presentation is free)
You can really change (or save) a life by knowing what to watch for.
🎓 Get Prepared for ALL of birth instead
What will you learn?

Reasons to call 911
These little-known signs are emergencies, you need help ASAP.

Reasons to call your provider
These are reasons to call your provider and get help from them (but not urgent)

Ways to make postpartum life easier.
What can you do to make it easier (and safer) on your family?
What is Included?
Get the slideshow for free, it is a comprehensive walk through what the problem signs are, and when you should get help.
Optional Add-On: Video walk-through of the slides in just about 40 minutes where I explain more in depth what you might expect (this is also included at no additional cost in The Online Prenatal Class for Couples)

🎓 Get Prepared for ALL of birth instead
Created by Hilary Erickson BSN-RN, The Pregnancy Nurse®
Hilary Erickson has been a nurse since 1997, and has 20 years of bedside labor and delivery experience. You might also know her as the curly head behind Pulling Curls®. She’s been teaching virtual prenatal education since 2015 and is ready to help you have a safer postpartum life!

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