Today I’m answering a question I get a LOT of. Lots of images sent to me via social media to ask if I see a line too. I get it — it’s un-nerving to find out if you’re pregnant — big life changes. But does a faint line that your pregnancy test is positive or if you’re negative? Let’s learn more about the tests and where you go from here if you have a faint line?
But first — I want you to know that this article is being written by an expert. I’ve been a nurse since 1997 and I have looked into pregnancy tests a lot. Not only for my own body (and I had 3 years of infertility with my last one, so I get this) but also helping others understand it more. Plus, all that college chemistry and understanding pregnancy hormones to back this up. I am here to help you have a confident pregnancy even starting with the test! I hope you’ll hang out with me more!
Let’s get this out of the way — there are VERY few false positive pregnancy tests. If you do have a false positive you want to be seen, it could be a hormonal issue you need looked at. There are many more false negatives (for a variety of reasons) than false positives. SO, if there is a line (an actual line) — even if it’s faint it is likely positive.

I do think that it is smart to ask a few people who don’t have hopes and dreams set on that test to look at it…. Lines can magically appear in our eyes when we hope for something so hard (or — on the opposite end hope that it is NOT positive, which I get as well).
If you do think your test is positive be SURE to read my post 5 do’s and don’ts of the first trimester.
Why a faint line?
Most often the line is faint for a few reasons:
The test is old — maybe it’s losing it’s power if you’re using an old test you’ve had hanging around. Getting a new test might be helpful?
Low HCG — this could be that you’re very early in your pregnancy, or you are very hydrated and it thinned-out the HCG in your system. This is why I recommend people take the test first thing in the morning if possible. This is the time that your HCG is most concentrated in your urine.
There isn’t a line — again, hopes and dreams can trick our eyes. So be really thoughtful. Tests are best read in sunlight for the best view vs weird indoor lighting.
Evaporation line — as the pee starts to evaporate there can be an evaporation line, but I think that if you check the test within the timeframe that they recommend in the instructions this shouldn’t be too big of an issue.
What to do if the line is faint?
A light line isn’t unusual — often it’s much lighter than the “control” line (which is annoying, but true).
However, if it’s REAL faint — to the point you’re not even sure that it’s there….
I would recommend waiting a couple of days to take another test. Busy yourself in things you love and can take your mind off of things. HCG actually builds-up very quickly in our systems and you can have a very clear answer on your hands in a few days.
They recommend taking a test after your period likely would have come. That means a couple of weeks after conception for most people. I know you want to take it earlier than that.
That being said — if you’ve had a few eyes look at it and there is a line — that’s a line and likely a positive.
What about a better brand?
While some tests do a digital read-out, and some say they are more sensitive the reality is they’re all basically testing for the same thing (and have to do so to get FDA clearance). I’m a huge fan of the dollar store pregnancy tests. Yes, they’re simple but it doesn’t mean that they are any less effective.
I can also see the reason to get a few brands because they do all do their tests differently — so if you have the cash and are short patience, you can try it — you may still just get negatives or faint lines for the next few days.
I also have a full post on some tests are positive and some are negative that you might find helpful if you want to know more about why there are false negative tests.
But, the reality is much is solved by waiting a couple of days. BUT I also get it, I’m wildly impatient too. So, best of luck to you!
I’d love to hang out with you during your pregnancy — come join me:
Don’t miss any of my other first trimester resources here!